29 June 2021 · Driving Hints & Tips

The 7 least known Aussie road rules

Road Rules

As a truck driver, you need to retain a lot of industry knowledge. Information about your truck and its various features, and knowledge of road rules, both state and federal. Yet some of these rules can leave you scratching your head.

While Australia is home to many weird and wonderful things, like Vegemite, all things ‘big’ (Big Banana, Big Prawn, Big Pineapple, etc…), and the Platypus, you wouldn’t think unusual road rules would be on the list. But here we are.

So, let’s take a look at the seven least known Aussie road rules. 

A horse is a horse of course!

If you’re driving through QLD, failing to give way to a ‘restive horse’ is…you guessed it…illegal. What’s a restive horse? According to our extensive search, it’s a horse that’s “refusing to advance, stubbornly standing still or moving backward or sideways” (similar behaviour to a toddler). If you come across one on a QLD road, pull as far as you can to the left, turn off your truck, and wait. Once it settles, you’re free to go.

Life in the slow lane

When it comes to speed, staying within the speed limit is always advised. However, did you know you could be fined for driving abnormally slow? For example, if you are doing 20kmh in an 80kmh zone in Australia, you are seen as obstructing other motorists and pedestrians, and could be hit with a $125 fine plus a $60 Victims of Crime levy. Ouch!

Potato, po-tah-toe

Driving through WA on a simple road trip, while hauling more than 50kgs of potatoes in the boot, could land you a hefty fine. A first offence is $2,000, and if you didn’t learn from that experience, it’s $5,000 for a 2nd offence. While we all love a good spud (mainly the thinly sliced and deep-fried variety), hauling large quantities through WA might not be a good idea.

Fast and the infuriating

A frustration for many Aussie drivers are motorists who speed up when being overtaken. You may not know this, but doing so could land you a whopping fine, especially in VIC. If you’re caught speeding up while being overtaken in NSW, you’ll be fined $298 and lose 3 demerit points. QLD is a little more lenient with an $80 fine and loss of 2 demerit points, while VIC takes the cake with a $322 fine and 2 demerit points.

Lock it up, Eddie!

Locking your vehicle is important, but in NSW it’s mandatory. Did you know it’s illegal to be more than 3 metres from your unlocked vehicle in NSW? You do now. If caught, you could end up with a $112 fine. So, when you’re next at the servo and jump out of your truck to pay for fuel, or chat to a mate, make sure you lock-up.


Some drivers claim it’s difficult to do a proper head check while reverse parking, especially when wearing a seat belt. But can you legally remove it to perform the manoeuvre? You can in NSW! Unless you’re a learner, removing your seatbelt to reverse park is completely legal.

Dial it down

We all love driving to music. But did you know 'emitting an offensive noise from a stereo' may cost you cash? No matter if it's Bob Dylan, Marylin Manson, or the rock classic ‘Highway to Hell’, blasting your favourite artist on NSW roads could cost you a tidy $150.

So, there you have it, the 7 least known Aussie road rules.

Feel like brushing-up on some of your state’s more relevant rules? Below you’ll find links to various states’ demerits and offences pages to help you out.

Be safe.

VIC: https://www.vicroads.vic.gov.au/licences/demerit-points-and-offences

NSW: https://roads-waterways.transport.nsw.gov.au/roads/demerits-offences/index.html

QLD: https://www.qld.gov.au/transport/safety/fines/demerit/points

NT: https://nt.gov.au/driving/driving-offences-and-penalties/traffic-offences-and-penalties

WA: https://www.transport.wa.gov.au/licensing/driver-rules-penalties-infringements.asp

ACT: https://www.accesscanberra.act.gov.au/app/answers/detail/a_id/2934/~/demerit-points0

SA: https://www.sa.gov.au/topics/driving-and-transport/offences/driving-laws-offences-and-penalties

TAS: https://www.transport.tas.gov.au/licensing/demerits_and_offences/find_a_traffic_offence/lister_full